Over the past few months, I have been having the constant battle of a college graduate. Looking for a full-time job. As you may have read in a past post here on GGGF, I am currently working for H&M and Sephora inside of a local Michigan mall. I enjoy both jobs. I honestly do. They’re fun. Mostly stress-free. And interesting. But I feel trapped. I went to MSU to use my degree and progress in all of my aspects in life but over the past few months, I went from happy to just have anything that paid to realizing that in order to be where I want, I wanted to use my skills more and make more money. Luckily, I found a outlet.
Starting in January 2016, I will be a full-time employee for General Motors in Downtown Detroit at the Renaissance Center. I was granted the opportunity to be offered a position as a Digital Chat Advisor in the Communications department!
It’s crazy how life work! I found out about the position from a H&M coworker and now I’m progressing to use my skills and talents to work for a company that I fell in love with by having a simple interview. It’s not a dream job by any means. I’ll always be working towards blog success and editorial dreams. But it is a step forward in my financial and personal success. I have a “big girl’ job and I am ready to take on the challenge and blessing!
Don’t worry, Good Girl Gone Fab will still be updated with new content! Having a full-time is will be tiring but it won’t stop my goals of making this website my first and true passion! This new job will actually help with my blog so much more because I’ll be able to afford better resources for content to share with you all!
Thanks for caring about my life. Lol. I also decided that I’ll be staying at H&M part-time, working about two shifts per month to keep the extra cash and my employee discount. I’ll be leaving Sephora unfortunately. It was a hard decision and I’m truly going to miss Sephora so much! It was such an amazing time these last few months and they’ll still be getting my business. 😉
Told you guys I had more big news! If you cared and read this, thanks. Lol.